In the controlled world, a woman is shown is restricted by strings as she is a marionette puppet of society. Living in this unperfect “perfect world” where she must do what others say, she sees her free self through a portal. This version of herself helps her break free, and join the world where she is the one in control. The result creates an eerie, yet eye-catching narrative as the woman shows her strength and resilience to break free from control.
For our mood board, we gathered examples of surrealism that we find most interesting or in some cases, disturbing. We were interested in the idea of using bright colors to make the posters seem cheerful from afar, but as the viewer takes a closer look they would see a deeper meaning and eerie storyline within the posters.
Our final sketches shifted to a storyline where the model was controlled by strings and cut free by herself in a free world. Ultimately, the shift in our ideas was a result of clarifying and narrowing down our concept to show the struggle between a controlled versus free world.